Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Viscocity: Maple and Honey Syrup

If you have ever heard someone say "your as slow as molasses" they are saying you are very slow. Viscosity is a fluids resistance to flow. Usually people think of viscosity as "thickness". For example, moving a straw through a cup of water is easy, but a cup of syrup would be harder. Because of the resistance of the syrup, the straw might bend and not move as fast. 

Another variable would be the type of syrup you used. Let's say you used maple syrup versus honey syrup. The maple syrup would have a higher viscosity than the honey. 

Normally when the temperature increases the viscosity decreases. For example, if your pour syrup hot it will flow easier. But if you pour it straight out of the refrigerator, it will pour slower.

Maple Syrup

Honey Syrup


•Honey Syrup Pic:

•Maple Syrup Pic:


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